The transition from fossil fuels to sustainable future is an important goal of Energetický a průmyslový holding (EPH). Gazel Energie, a subsidiary of EPH, is currently working on two important projects that are in line with the company's goals to gradually transition...
Press relaeases
EPH makes another significant step towards clean energy future in Italy
EP Produzione, a subsidiary of EPH, continues to show its strong commitment to supporting Italy’s energy transition. In line with this effort, the Group has prepared five new projects that have been awarded contracts in the 2025...
EPH continues on the path to sustainability, with a wind farm being established on the site of an open-pit mine
A total of 62 MWs of wind turbines are set to be erected on the reclaimed area of a former lignite open-pit mine located on the border of the German federal states of Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt. Mibrag, a subsidiary...
EP Corporate Group Foundation donated over CZK 232 million in 2023
The EP Corporate Group Foundation, established by entrepreneur Daniel Křetínský, redistributed more than CZK 232 million to its grant programmes in 2023, thus gradually fulfilling its goal of becoming the largest corporate foundation in the Czech Republic. Funding was...
Vestas secures a 105 MW order with LEAG in former coal mining area in Germany
Vestas and LEAG have agreed on a 105 MW order for the wind energy project 'Forst-Briesnig II’, in Lausitz region, Germany. Vestas will deliver 17 V162-6.2 MW wind turbines, and the order includes supply, delivery, and commissioning of the turbines. The wind project,...
Assembly of Germany’s largest floating solar power plant, developed by EP New Energies, an EPH subsidiary, has begun
The floating solar plant on the country’s largest post-mining lake “Cottbuser Ostsee”, is scheduled to go into operation in winter 2024/2025 and generate around 29 000 MWh of electricity per year. This is enough electricity to cover...
EPH successfully issues its inaugural €500 million green bonds
On 31 May 2024, EPH Financing International, a.s. successfully issued inaugural EUR 500 million green bonds under its EUR 3 billion EMTN Programme guaranteed by Energetický a průmyslový holding, a.s. (“EPH”). The EUR-denominated green bonds,...
EPH supports its transformation efforts with refined decarbonization commitments
Over the past few years, Energetický a průmyslový holding, a.s. (“EPH”) has demonstrated its transformation efforts through coal assets closures, development of hydrogen-ready gas power plants or building a pipeline of renewable projects...
EPH establishes Green Finance Framework to connect future financing with execution of its transition strategy
Energetický a průmyslový holding, a.s. (“EPH”) has established its inaugural Green Finance Framework allowing the company to issue green finance instruments which may include bonds, loans, Schuldschein instruments, and other forms of green...
Newly commissioned Boxberg solar park developed by EP New Energies goes online
The Boxberg solar park was officially commissioned on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, in the presence of Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer. Development and construction supervision of the plant were carried out by EP New Energies (EPNE). Owner is the Lusatian...